E2E Service

Deployment and Startup

Safe, Optimized and Adaptable Deployment 

The Upwing Subsurface Compression System™ (SCS) is designed to be flexible for both standard deployment methods as well as a rig-less alternative deployment method.

The SCS has been proven to startup in even the harshest environmental conditions and is comparable to other subsurface tools in deployment processes. 


Standard Tubing-Hung Deployment 

Like Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs), the SCS can be deployed by production tubing. Based on the designed SCS completion, there are options for the fluid flow path to produce to the surface through the tubing, annulus or both.

The SCS assembly, with the motor module at the bottom, the magnetic coupling module in the middle and the compressor module at the top, is connected to the bottom of a production tubing. The SCS is lowered into the well to the desired completion depth, near the pay zone, and the tubing hanger is landed. The main power cable (a standard ESP cable) from the motor module is secured to the production tubing by cable protectors and penetrates through the wellhead utilizing metal-to-metal pressure seals.

In the case of “tubing-hung” standard deployments, the compressed gas flows from the compressor to the surface through the production tubing, annulus or both, depending on production goals and corrosion and erosion considerations.


Alternative Deployment 

The Subsurface Compressor System™ (SCS) has also been designed with an alternative deployment methodology in mind.

An advantage of the light weight and compact size of the SCS is that it has the capability to be deployed using a mono cable. The mono cable includes all required components to provide the mechanical strength required for deployment as well as the electrical power and additional completion utility needed for operation of the SCS.

Without having to pull the standard production tubing, the SCS and mono cable are lubricated into the wellbore and secured into a seal bore packer that houses the SCS during operations, removing tension from the mono cable. A downhole safety valve can be added below the inlet of the compressor depending on the needs of the operator.

This alternative deployment method can be used both onshore and offshore where standard workover rigs are not available and does not require the well to be killed for startup.


Standard and Alternative Deployment of Upwing Subsurface Compressor for Natural Gas Production

SCS deployment by the standard tubing-hung methodology illustrating both tubing and annular flow options and the single-cable alternative deployment methods. 


Optimized Startup

The SCS has proven to startup successfully even in the harshest environmental conditions, barring being submerged in water. The SCS utilizes surface controllers to monitor downhole data and make necessary adjustments depending on the conditions to ensure safe and optimized starting conditions.


Real-time diagnostics

Once the Subsurface Compressor System™ (SCS) is operating, the real-time, permanent downhole gauge provides pressure, temperature, vibration and other diagnostic components, increasing the operational life of the SCS.


Standard startup of Subsurface Compression System™ (SCS)

Well control is required during installation of the downhole completion to ensure the highest possible level of safety. The standard procedure begins with the addition of kill fluid to the well. Once the installation of the SCS is complete, the kill fluid is removed from the system. After which, the SCS is started and removes the remaining liquid covering the production zone(s).