E2E Service

Conventional Well Demonstrations

Field Demonstrations: 

Subsurface Compressor System™ Increases Gas Production in Conventional Wells by as High as 58%

Concept Proven on Multiple Conventional Wells in Texas



Increase gas production from wells with drawdowns created by a downhole compressor, which has never been done before.



Deploy the Upwing Subsurface Compressor System™ (SCS) experimental prototype in a total of four gas wells in Texas, USA to prove the application.



The SCS proof-of-concept field trials demonstrated an increase of natural gas production ranging from 30 to 58%.

The compressor system helped to lower the conventional wells’ bottom hole pressure and increased the direct drawdown on the reservoir completions, thus increasing the gas flow rate and significantly increasing the recovery rate.

Lessons learned from the proof-of-concept trials have served as the foundation for the design of the SCS commercial units.


Proof-of-Concept Experimental Prototype

Conventional wells proof-of-concept experimental prototype
Proof-of-concept experimental prototype

The compressor section is a multi-stage axial compressor. The motor section is a high-speed permanent magnet motor (PMM). The compressor rotor is connected via a mechanical coupling to and driven by the permanent magnet motor rotor. Both rotors are supported by traditional ball bearings. Ball bearings were used for fast prototyping, with the understanding that ball bearings might not last long in the downhole environment and might not be the final solution for either the motor or compressor section.


Deployment of the Prototype

The experimental prototype was deployed into the 7-inch casings by sucker rods for fast prototyping with the understanding that sucker rod deployment may not be the best approach for deployment. The power cables were strapped to the sucker rods.

workers at drill site

Proof-of-Concept Trial Results

Chart of the average stabilized incremental gas flow increase from the demonstrations in conventional wells
Average stabilized incremental gas flow increase 40%

At the intake of the SCS, downhole flowing pressure decreases, thus the gas production increases. Simulations demonstrate that the higher gas temperatures and higher kinetic energy of gas flow at the discharge side of the SCS could carry more liquid to surface to mitigate or remove completely the risk of liquid loading in gas wells.

Commercial Unit Design

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Based on the lessons learned from the proof-of-concept field trials in conventional wells, Upwing engineers have applied proprietary and proven technologies developed and used by former parent company Calnetix Technologies in other industrial applications to the design of the commercial unit.